I believe that everything happens for a reason and purpose, and it serves me.
I believe that there is no such thing as a failure. There are only results and learning experiences.
I believe no matter what happens, I should take responsibility.
I believe it is not necessary to understand everything to be able to use everything.
I believe that people are my greatest resource.
I believe that work is play.
I believe that there is no abiding success without commitment.
I believe that there are no limits to my learning and earning capacities.
I believe that I will reap exactly what I sow.
I believe that adversity has the effect of eliciting talents which in prosperous circumstances would have lain dormant.
I believe what I think of myself is much more important that what others think of me.
I believe that there exists limitless opportunities in every industry, where there is an open mind, there will always be a frontier.
I believe that the superior man makes demands upon himself, the inferior man makes demands on others.
I believe times will change for the better, when I change.
I believe if happiness is not already found within, it will never be found outside.
I believe that every resource I need is already with me and within me.
I believe that if I have to live in peace of mind, I have to live each day in accordance to, and in harmony with, my values.
I believe that the past does not equal to future.
I believe giving is at the core of human relationship. Give time, commitment, energy, support, prayer and love.
I believe that I should seek my joy in what I give and not in what I get.
I believe that we are all energy, and that we have a need to express this energy.
I believe that unexpressed energy causes dysfunction and disease within our body, mind and spirit.
I believe that our purpose for being here is to experience, express and expand our understanding of, and capacity to love.
I believe that the way we think, what we say, and how we act creates our reality.
I believe we can all attain peace, happiness, abundance and contentment.
I believe that no one needs to suffer.
I believe that suffering, stress, guilt, worry, jealousy, etc. are man-made devices that stem from fear.
I believe we come into this life with a script, designed by the areas within us that need healing and the circumstances of our life are the perfect circumstances to help us heal.
I believe that everything in our lives stem from two thought forms - love or fear.
I believe that we respond to our experiences through actions of love or actions of fear.
I believe that the only thing we ultimately have control over in our lives is whether we are happy or sad.
I believe that addiction is a fear-based search for an answer - something to make us "okay".
I believe that what we are truly addicted to are negative core messages, and these messages create beliefs that take on many different physical forms in everyone's lives.
I believe that we can all achieve authentic and enduring healing.
I believe that God loves us all infinitely.