Monday, September 1, 2008


“So what makes the Filipino special? We are brown, spiritual, timeless, spaceless, linguists, groupists, weavers, adventurers. Seldom do all these profound qualities find personification in a people. Filipinos should allow - and should be allowed to contribute their special traits to the world-wide community of men- but first,we should know and like ourselves”. – Pastor Ed Lapiz

Sometimes after having spent so much of your youth being a fighter and an idealist, and eventually losing your way in the maze, you hardly find courage to bounce and leap. But then again, what is one’s life worth if not lived the way it should? Even the most incorrigible is given another chance, then why not me?

“In this age of darkness, there are two ways of spreading light: You may either be a candle, or the mirror that reflects its light.” – Ninoy Aquino

As one grows older, the more you realize how important legacy is. Since not everyone is cut out to be a hero, we can still make a difference in our own little ways. Nothing is too late for something good.

Be the change you want the world to be – Gandhi

(Because) we can change the future by changing it today - J. Maxwell

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