Thursday, August 8, 2013

Unsolicited advice to Patmon: Resign and spare Lipa City

The recent story that broke out regarding the alleged rape of a young lady Councilor of San Pascual, Batangas by a Lipa City Councilor named Nonato Rodelas Monfero
scandalized Batangas, Lipa in particular.

The alleged assailant, an independent politician, as he projects himself to be in various social media pages, is also undoubtedly filthy rich. An owner of 2K8 BUILDERS & CONSTRUCTION SUPPLIES CORPORATION, a DTI accredited contractor, Nonato or Patmon to many, is also a licensed Safety Practitioner (BOSH) in construction. His wife is related to San Jose Vice Mayor Valentino Patron, a self-made businessman who built his empire comprised of hospitals, a chain of construction supply/hardware stores, a batching plant, car accessories, a franchised dermatological clinic, and others.

The victim, an independent councilor of San Pascual whose votes surpassed even that of the winning mayoral candidate, is a daughter of former Councilor Ramil Fernandez. Ramil or Uban to many of us during college days was a no-nonsense activist. He is married to Fe Dimaandal, sister of my friend Ellen, who was a colleague during our activism days in Lyceum of Batangas during the early part of the first Aquino administration.

I have not seen Mara, but I am pretty sure she must be really beautiful, considering how Fe and Ellen, and of course, Ramil look like.

There have been so many speculations about how and what really happened. But that should be for the Court to determine. What is clear – an elected official of Lipa is involved in a very serious crime, that of violating a young woman. They previously did not know each other, just that they were both accommodated in a house of another Lipa Councilor, K Briones, for a seminar on governance in preparation to their taking office.

So moral concerns, even revolt comes to the fore. Secondly, since this case involves moral turpitude which is a very fundamental requirement in public office, the fitness of the assailant to serve his constituents is now in doubt.

If Patmon cannot find it in his heart to see these things, at least the Patron family, his in-laws, should see that. Out of delicadeza, he should resign, and spare the people of Lipa from shame and ridicule. That is if he really cares for Lipa.

And much more, if he cares for the name and honor of his in-laws, with more reason that he should resign.
In this case, I can sense that Patmon will really have a run for his money – he has engaged a worthy enemy – the Fernandezes (San Pascual) and Dimaandals  (Batangas City) who may not be rich, but have the track record to fight a good cause, a support network to rely upon, and above all, a good name.

So my unsolicited advice to Patmon: Resign now! If in the end, he is acquitted, then that may be the right time for him to return to politics and redeem his name. A BIG IF!

His resignation will bring back decency in public office in Lipa, and would deflect some pressures on the accused. Well, it doesn’t affect the case as it is, but it will somehow relieve the people of Lipa the agony of the prospects of having a sitting councilor hauled in Court for a capital offense, be scandalized deeper, and the possibility of conviction. Lipa will be spared as well of the speculations that Patmon can eventually use his political power to manipulate the case, such as influencing witnesses like a fellow Lipa councilor. Besides, I seriously doubt if he can discharge his duties effectively under the circumstances.

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